MESSTER WOCHE 46 1915 [Main]

Muu nimi/muut nimet: SEMANA MESSTER 46 1915 (on copy held) [alternative]
Vuosi: 1915
Kesto: 10 mins
Kuvaus: Prince Heinrich of Prussia visits the Russian Orthodox Church at Kovno (Russian Poland) after the Russian retreat of summer 1915. A beached and burnt-out Russian steamer is shown on the bank of the River Nemen.Soldiers play with makeshift canoes on the Yser Canal. Food is handed out to sick or injured soldiers in a Belgian hospital. The German "military police" in Lille, a cyclist formation from various units, parades and moves off. An alarm at Lille sends "Light Truck Column 8" out from its garages. At a prisoner of war camp in Brussels British wounded prisoners, including one African, play chess as the German guards watch. Field officers move up through a trench system which leads directly through an old French cemetery, disturbing the graves. Soldiers take up defensive positions in nearby buildings. On the Flanders coast a supply column for Marines marches up the road. In Ostend sailors play on the beach and a Maxim 1-pounder practises firing out to sea.
I. Portuguese language version of a German newsreel of their own forces on the Eastern Front, autumn 1915.II. Portuguese language version of a German newsreel of their own forces in occupied France and Belgium, and on the Western Front, autumn 1915.
Avainsanat: EFG1914 / World War I / Heinrich, Prince of Prussia / Imperial German Army / German Army, Military Police / German Imperial Navy, Marines / German Navy / delegations, German national - military / buildings, Russian - religious: church / recreation, German military - casual / medical, German military - hospital / society, German military - sustenance / administration, German - occupation / prisoners of war, British - custody / recreation, British military - casual / operations, German military - sortie / casualties, French graves - formal: [abuse] / supplies, German, movement [RA] - food / recreation, German naval - casual / weapons, German naval - gun: 1-pounder pom-pom / training, German naval - weapons: artillery / 01/3(4-11).3 / First World War, German Occupied Belgium & 9/1915 =10/1915 / First World War, German Occupied France & 9/1915 = 10/1915 / 01/3(4-15).4 / Russia & Kovno / Russia & Nemen (River) / Yser (Canal), Belgium / Lille, Nord, France / Brussels, Brabant, Belgium / Ostend, West Flanders, Belgium / Race
Sisältölähde: Imperial War Museums
Oikeudet: In Copyright / Imperial War Museums
Tuotantoyhtiö: Messter Film
Väri: Black & White
Sound: Without sound